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Re: Why built-in schemas are a bad idea

On 11/7/18 6:37 PM, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
> --On Wednesday, November 07, 2018 6:29 PM +0100 Michael Ströder
> <michael@stroeder.com> wrote:
>> Even if the build configuration would not have changed there has been
>> syncrepl interop issues between different releases in the past. So I
>> would not expect this to always work.
> There was an issue with ppolicy in one release, but outside of that
> nothing that I'm aware of.  ppolicy needs a bit of work to fix its
> current mix of external and internal schema which would resolve such
> issues long term, but isn't a problem with other portions of OpenLDAP.

As I understand Ulrich, the old SLES11 package does not even support the
module load directive to be added.

That's why I think that his expectation that rolling upgrades with
replicated cn=config always just work cannot be met.

Ciao, Michael.

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